Misc.,  Photography

{Photography Project} B&W Series

Most of the time, I edit my images in color. I usually find myself shooting just before sunset — “Golden Hour” they call it, and appropriately so! The light is GORGEOUS, hence why I usually prefer color over black and white. There is nothing like a gorgeously-goldenly lit colored photo!

But, then there are moments when a black and white is just, right. You are able to focus in on your subject and your subject alone tells the story.

I’m often reminded of song lyrics while looking at certain images and when two are perfectly paired together, they can become incredibly powerful and moving imagery.

This week, these were my stories…

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|| Further and further,
my heart moves away from the shore….
Whatever it looks like, whatever may come,
I am Yours ||

I love this image because the mountains in themselves are powerful. From this perspective, it looks as if I’m in the middle of the lake (away from the shore). This is where I feel I am at in life. My heart seems to be moving forward, into uncharted territory, but my mind seems to be stuck on shore most days…… I’ll get there.


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|| There’s a ball at the castle
And I’ve been invited
And I need to practice my dancing…
Oh, please, Daddy, please?”
So, I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms… ||

Basically, anything that has to do with “Father-Daughter dances” will wreck my heart in the best way. There is nothing more beautiful than a daughter completely captivated by her father–and there is nothing more precious than a father captivated by his daughter.


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|| Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Don’t let the greatness get you down…
So I pray for a favour like Esther ||

She embodies every word. Crown. Greatness. Favour. Esther. This is her song. This is her story.