Little Nuggets,  Our Journey

Stop. Look. See.

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I love Photography. It has kind of become second nature to me. Just ask my husband and how often he has to wait before he eats his food so that I can get a picture first. Bless that man and his patience!

In short, Photography makes my heart happy.

Last year, we were able to invest monetarily into my passion and I was able to upgrade my gear.

>SIDE RANT: I am seriously so blessed to be married to a man who not only supports my passion, but understands the significance of using GOOD gear. Yes, it is absolutely about your SKILLS and being able to operate the gear to the best of it’s abilities, (no matter what

However, when you play on a little dinky keyboard, you are limited in what you are able to produce than if you were to be playing on a Grand Piano. When you play on nicer gear, there is automatically an increase in inspiration and creativity. <<END SIDE RANT

So anyway, last year I invested money into my photography. THIS YEAR, I have challenged myself to invest TIME. And I’m not gonna lie, time is a much harder investment for me, but I’m doing it! I started with an attainable (yet still challenging) challenge: Posting a photo every Friday from my DSLR (that’s fancy talk for, “Big Kid Camera”). Be my friend and follow me and my progress on Facebook at Kelsey Hope Photography or on Instagram @KelseyHopePhotography #52PhotoFriday.

>>>>NOW, for what this post was intended for in the first place–the photo above! I drive in this parking lot every day and these trees are crazy in bloom right now and I wanted to photograph them before they went away. I was photographing the trees when this scene captured my attention. Immediately, God started to speaking to me through this picture.

Take a moment to《STOP》See what is blooming around you {in you}, at this very moment in time…You might be surprised by what you find.

Disappointment and discouragement are probably two of the EASIEST things to fall into and they are probably one of quickest things to kill progress in our life. When I saw this image and heard, “See what is blooming around you, at this very moment in time”, I felt like it was not just a word for myself and my husband, but for many others as well. We are dreamers. We have big things that we want to accomplish in life; and let’s be real, life can be pretty discouraging sometimes. That is, when you look with your physical eyes! Sometimes, you just have to STOP. and LOOK. and SEE. It might not be what you are currently wanting to see, but never discount what IS happening, what is in full bloom, full of LIFE around you.

Life is all about the journey. Nobody just wakes up a brain surgeon or a rock star over night. Everyone has their journey, you just have to allow yourself that journey. And for goodness sake, try to enjoy it! ‘Cause, life is kinda beautiful, you just have to STOP and choose to see.