
Lukas John – Birth Story

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

Thursday, September 27th, 2018. The due date of our little Jelly Bean. I honestly hadn’t been feeling much leading up to this date, so when my doctor checked me and told me I was 2cm dilated and 90% effaced, I was genuinely shocked! Here I had been worried that my body wouldn’t know how to get this baby out, but clearly, it was doing something! In fact, my doctor thought I would go into labor over the weekend, but our little guy was a little too comfortable still.

We had another appointment the following Monday, but this time I hadn’t progressed at all. I wasn’t too worried or stressed about it. I had been feeling pretty good for 40+ weeks pregnant. I wasn’t super uncomfortable, and plus, I was still sleeping great! And to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t really in any hurry for him to get out! He was super easy in my belly, and it was slightly terrifying to think about him being outside in the world and us having to take care of him!

At this appointment, we set an induction date for the following Monday, Oct. 8th, just so we had a game plan. Although, an induction was the last thing I was hoping for!

My ultimate goal, my “birth plan”, was to have him natural with no drugs. I had spent the past 9 months researching, studying, listening to podcasts, watching online birth classes — doing everything I knew to do to prepare myself and surround myself with positive birth stories. I had heard so many stories of women having pain-free births, I was claiming that and believing that for myself as well! I wanted my birth to be a testimony of God’s goodness!

The room that I gave birth in, as well as where we stayed during our recovery time.
It was so weird to be walking out of this room and to have the realization that I had actually given birth in this room. Everything happened so fast, I was pretty out of it by the time I got into this room. So, it didn’t really hit me till we were leaving.

Thursday, October 4th

Thursday, October 4th, we hit 41 weeks! A few weeks prior to my due date, I had been feeling some Braxton Hicks. However, THIS WEEK for whatever reason, I had been feeling absolutely NOTHING. I was more active than ever, walking, bouncing on yoga balls, drinking all the tea, eating the dates, having lots of “good times” with my baby daddy (if you know what I mean 😉), but I was feeling absolutely nothing. 

That same day, I had actually hit up my Doulas and started the conversation about the possibility of induction. I wanted them to walk me through the induction process since it was starting to look like that was likely what was going to happen. Though, they assured me, that even if I wasn’t feeling things, my body was still doing work. They told me to just relax and keep doing everything that I was doing. 

Friday, October 5th: 12:30am

Later that night, around 12:30am, after another round of, “Get this baby out of me, Mister!”, I felt something move or pop and it was kind of painful. I went to the bathroom and basically immediately started having contractions after that. Although, I wasn’t totally sure if that’s what was happening. But by 1am, I was positive I was having contractions, though, I wasn’t feeling what I imagined contractions would feel like; (a tightening over my whole belly). However, I was feeling the wave—the peak and then the dissipating. I also started having pain in my back at this time.

At 1:30am I texted my Doulas, Lindsey and Michelle, and told them that I was definitely feeling contractions and I was also having some light bleeding. I had been timing my contractions and they were coming every 3-5min and lasting anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute long. Lindsey said it sounded exactly like early labor and suggested I don’t time them just yet, but to try to sleep if I could (or at least try to rest between them). I told her I definitely couldn’t sleep ‘cause they were quite painful, but I stopped timing them and just tried to focus on breathing and relaxing.

Jordan had just finished putting together a playlist for me, so we turned that on along with some dim lighting to help me relax. I told him he should try and get some sleep as I was going to need him to be on his game whenever this baby decided to come; obviously not knowing how long this could possibly go on for.

Where Jordan graciously spent the next 2 nights sleeping. He’s such a babe.

When my contractions first started, I was having a really hard time getting on top of them, so I was kind of freaking out. Shortly after they started I actually told Jordan that I may just get an epidural, sleep through the night, and push him out in the morning. As I thought about the fact that it was almost 2am and I had been up since 7am and with no nap all day, and I had no clue as to how long this might go on for…an epidural and a nap sounded super good to me! But he assured me I could do it. He said, “Nope, your gonna do SO good!” At that point, the amount of pain I was in, I wasn’t so sure about that. If it was hurting this bad in “early labor”, I wasn’t so sure I could handle it getting more intense. However, it just took me a little bit of time to find my way, to find my rhythm, so that I could get on top of the contractions and breath through them rather than tensing up and fighting against them.

I had initially started on all 4’s swaying back ’n forth, but that didn’t seem to be helping any and was doing nothing helpful for my back. So then I started to try a position I had heard about that was supposed to be helpful with back labor. I would rest in bed in-between contractions and as soon as I would feel one coming on (which felt like every 5 seconds), I would jump out of bed and get into this position: Standing up against a wall in our bedroom with bent knees, I would hold my belly up as high as possible while tucking my pelvis in. This position totally helped with my back pain and I was genuinely able to get through the contractions pretty easily! However, it was a lot to think about all at once. Getting the position just right, while also trying to focus and breathe. Come to find out, you’re apparently only supposed to do this position for a few contractions, and I had been doing it for a few hours! Needless to say, my legs were completely exhausted from essentially doing “wall sits” while in labor, but it was working so I wasn’t gonna stop!

Friday, October 5th: 4:30am

By 4:30am I noticed that my laboring was changing. I was starting to “grunt” and my body had basically started involuntarily pushing. I knew that was a sign that this baby was coming soon, but thought it had to be WAY too early for that if this was supposed to just be “early labor”.

I honestly didn’t feel like they were getting more intense, because I was getting through them fairly easily. I wouldn’t even say they hurt at all, just discomfort. I definitely felt like they were coming fast as I was having to jump out of bed the second I would lay down to rest. But I think I was so focused and in a different place mentally, that I didn’t really put two-and-two together.

I called my doula, Michelle, and told her I was having involuntary pushing happening and the feeling like I needed to poop. Also, (and I don’t know what exactly made me want to check), while on the phone with her, I was pretty sure I could FEEL HIS HEAD! She said from what she was hearing over the phone, it wasn’t sounding like I was in that phase of labor yet, because I was still holding conversation and seemed pretty quiet. So she told me to try and just continue breathing through the contractions and to try NOT to push, cause if I wasn’t fully dilated it wouldn’t be good.

My body was pretty exhausted from doing a few hours worth of “wall sits”, (go figure), so Michelle suggested I sit on the toilet and try to just breath through the contractions. Shortly after, I checked again and I swore I could feel his head even lower this time! The first time I felt he was about mid-knuckle. This time I felt he was almost to my lower knuckle! When I told her that, she suggested we should probably head to the hospital.

Friday, October 5th: 5am

A little before 5am I woke Jordan up and told him we needed to go to the hospital. He quickly jumped out of bed and helped me pack up the last minute things as I continued to focus and breathe—dropping to the floor during contractions, but still trying to help make sure we had everything we needed in between contractions.

It was 5:09am when I texted my friend Stephanie, who was going to photograph my birth, that we were in the car and headed to the hospital. I was uncomfortable having to sit in the car, but I did okay as I continued to try my best to breathe through the “pushing”. I was still having conversation between contractions, but definitely not smiling or talking during the contractions.

I remember telling Jordan how I was bummed I was gonna miss an online sale that started at 9am. I was wanting to buy some special baby lotion that was gonna be on sale! I also remember telling him that we were probably gonna be those parents that have a baby in the car! Thank God it was 5 o’clock in the morning with no other cars on the road!

I quickly grabbed this photo on our way to the hospital
Friday, October 5th: 5:30am

We arrived at the hospital at just about 5:30am. We pulled up to the main entrance and left our car there so we could get me in as fast as possible. I vaguely remember this, but apparently, while we were waiting for someone to help us at the welcome desk I dropped to the floor during my contractions. I do, however, fully remember asking what was taking so long! We didn’t check in or anything, they eventually just wheel-chaired me back to a room where my doula Michelle was waiting for me.

One of the nurses checked me and said, “Uh, ya! She was right! His head is right there!” I was complete! 100% effaced, 10cm dilated and ready to push! I had fully labored at home. and pretty much all on my own! Even though I had felt his head and knew my body was clearly ready to push, I still couldn’t really believe that I was about to push a baby out of me! It had only been like 5 hours!! WHAAAAT?!

I got on the bed backwards, draped over the head of the bed, so Michelle could help with counter pressure on my back. While one of the nurses ran to get a doctor, (not my doctor, just any available doctor…cause apparently this baby was coming fast!), Jordan ran to get all of our stuff and to park the car.

I remember looking around the room and seeing about 5 or 6 different doctors all in their places. Eventually, I saw Jordan in the room and when I finally heard him by my side, I knew it was time to get this baby out.

Michelle whispered in my ear that whenever I was ready to push, I could. I waited for a contraction to come and then I started to push. I remember them telling me to not push with my face, but to focus the push towards my butt. It seemed kind of hard to wrap my head around exactly how to do that, but apparently it worked!

I remember the doctor asking me if I wanted to flip over at all, but I said no. I was good with where I was at and what was happening. I tried to just focus, feel what my body was doing, and push when the contractions would come. I remember even pushing beyond the contractions because they kept saying I was so close! *Note to self, don’t do that. Just wait for the contractions!

Friday, October 5th: 5:59am

Even though it felt longer, I believe I pushed for about a total of maybe 10-12 minutes and at 5:59am our beautiful baby boy was born! It was like as soon as his head was out, I could feel the rest of his body just slip out with ease! I remember collapsing and relaxing for a second, turning and looking at Jordan, seeing him teary-eyed, and kissing him.

Lukas John White
October 5th – 5:59am
7lb 9oz & 19in

They all laughed at me as I said, “That HURT!” Then they helped me turn over slowly and carefully, because of the cord, and proceeded to place in my arms this tiny little screaming human.

The doctor asked if she could cut the cord but I told her I wanted to wait a bit. That’s when she told me that the cord had actually been wrapped around his neck TWICE! It was loose enough so he had no issues breathing, but still. So so thankful we made it to the hospital and didn’t have him in the car! I can’t imagine how that could have possibly gone down with the cord like that. After a few minutes of getting to just relax and take in the moment, they helped Jordan cut the cord.

Jordan cutting the cord.

It felt a little awkward holding him at first, but I was also pretty out of it. I had been in such an intense and focused state of mind for the past five and a half hours, trying to be in tune with my body, and listening to what the team surrounding me was coaching me to do—I think it took a bit of time for me to fully come to. He was screaming his head off and I was just in the most surreal moment of my life. I kept looking at Jordan and then looking at this little guy who had been inside of me for the past 9 months!

Everything had happened so fast that I also realiazed I hadn’t had a chance to meet any of the nurses or staff that were helping us, and so I apparently took a moment to introduce myself to the staff in the room!

Needless to say, our photographer didn’t make it. But our Doula, Michelle & Jordan were sweet enough to try and capture some of the moments on iPhone or with my camera.

Even though the pushing him out part was kinda painful, as I thought my lady bits might explode — that was honestly the worst part of it all and only lasted a few minutes. Even still, right after it was all said and done, I remember saying, “That wasn’t so bad. I’d totally do that again.” <— That is truly a miracle, friends!

I adore this beautiful, messy, and blurry image.
My baby reaching up and touching my face.
He still does this all the time, especially when he’s sleeping.

The little guy had been crying for quite a while so Michelle suggested we try feeding him to see if that would help him calm down. It took a few good tries to get him to latch. He would get it and then fall off and that would upset him even more! We struggled the next few days with nursing, but eventually we got it, and he’s become quite the pro-nurser.

While in the hospital, Jordan got to help give Lukas his first bath. *Swoon*

I wanted to share some of the resources I used that I found to be incredibly helpful and extremely valuable to the success of my labor and birth. I truly believe these resources were the reason I was able to completely labor at home. I had filled my mind with so many positive birth stories, I had tools at my disposable to help me get through the contractions with ease, and I had people that I trusted encouraging me every step of the way. Not to mention the most amazing partner, my husband. Even when I started to doubt myself and my strength to get through the contractions, he immediately assured me I could do it. His confidence helped me push on, relax my mind, and find my rhythm.

The Birth Hour – Podcast 

Birthful – Podcast

Karen Welton’s – Mastering Pain-free Childbirth
Karen’s class was one of the best things I watched. She gave great information and tons of super practical and helpful tips in how to have a pain-free experience. 

Lindsey & Michelle with Taylor Made Doulas 
I was blessed to have Lindsey and Michelle as part of my team in helping me to achieve the birth experience I was hoping for. It was so incredibly assuring to be able to reach out to them for any questions or for support. When I was worried about having to be induced, they assured me that even then, the birth experience I was looking for would still be possible; and that my body was doing work even if I couldn’t feel or see any progress. Not to mention helping me know when it was time to go to the hospital! Thank you, Michelle!! A few minutes later and we may have no made it to the hospital! haha 

Having Michelle there with me during my birth helped me feel calm and relaxed. It was so nice to have a familiar face in the room. Someone who knew exactly how to help and support myself and Jordan. But it was even more helpful to have a voice that I knew and trusted helping coach me through the contractions and pushing stage. Especially since my doctor didn’t make it to my delivery.

After two and a half days of being in the hospital, we were on our way home with our little man!

I had said that my ultimate goal for my birth was for God’s goodness to shine through, and when I look back at my whole pregnancy and my birth experience, that is exactly what I see. For someone who never really wanted kids and had been terrified of the idea of being pregnant, I never imagined I could enjoy this whole process as much as I have. From watching my body change and grow, and actually enjoying being pregnant — to laboring in the comfort of my own home and not feeling pain, but rather just pressure, and having the quickest and easiest delivery I could have ever imagined!

I have grown and changed so much these past 12 months: Learning to not live in fear but to just trust God in everything. Realizing I have more strength and patience in me than I ever thought possible. And just being completely amazed in how God designed our bodies to do this crazy amazing thing, and seeing first hand that it IS possible to have a pain-free birth! (Even if mine wasn’t “pain-free”, it was “pain-less”. And I’ll have even more knowledge to go into the next one more equiped and ready)!

Oh, and if you were wondering…I totally still got to take advantage of that sale I was worried I was going to miss! Already killin’ the mom thing!

One Comment

  • Erin Lazzara

    Kels!! Freakin’ amazing. I loved every bit of this. These photos with J helping give the first bath are just so precious, and photographer or not – I think every one of these photos is just radiating beauty. It such an incredible experience from the very beginning and it’s funny how these tiny little beings have a way of making us find so much determination in ourselves. I’m so happy for your growing family. <3